Once again Campbelltown City Soccer Club is providing the opportunity for parents to come along to an information night to gain a better understanding of the club, it’s culture and values for 2020.
This is an important night to attend, especially if you are new to the club, but even if you have been involved for a while as this is a great way to keep abreast of everything especially as we have some new faces involved this year.
The night will cover the following information:
Campbelltown Club and Culture
Code of conduct and playing philosophy
Best process for liasiing with the club
Sports Policy
Parent Involvement
Team App
There will be time to ask questions at the end of the evening
This information night will be held at the senior club rooms in two sessions 5:30 – 6:20 and 7:15 – 8pm. This will allow parents to attend while their children are at training. We would love to see as many parents attend as possible as it will benefit not only themselves but also their children.
1 whites lane newton, (Senior Club Rooms)