Please ensure all players wear their full red uniform for the photos and arrive upstairs at the senior club rooms together 10 minutes prior to their scheduled photo time. Once the photographer has finished with everyone in the team please leave the clubrooms to allow space for the following team.
Wednesday 16th June
Team Photo Time
U7 white 5.15 PM
U6 White 5.25 PM
U8 Black 5.35 PM
U8 Red 5.45PM
U8 White 5.55PM
U9 White 6.05 PM
U9 Red 6.15 PM
U9 Girls 6.25 PM
U10 Black 6.35 PM
U10 White 6.45 PM
U10 Red 7.00 PM
U15 Girls 7.15 PM
U13 Girls 7.30 PM
U11 Green 7.45 PM
U14 JSL 7.55 PM
U14 JPL 8.10 PM
Thursday 17th June
Team Photo Time
U16 JSL 6.30 PM
U16 JPL 6.45 PM
U17 JPL 7.00 PM
CSL 7.15 PM
Friday 18th June
Team Photo Time
U7 Black 5.15 PM
U7 Red 5.25 PM
U6 Red 5.35 PM
U12 JPL 5.45 PM
U12 JSL 1 6.00 PM
U12 JSL 2 6.10 PM
U13 JPL 6.20 PM
U13 JSL 6.35 PM
U13 JSL 2 6.50 PM
U11 Red 7.05 PM
U11 White 7.15 PM
U11 Black 7.25 PM
U15 JPL 7.35 PM
U15 JSL 7.50 PM